Cause Marketing Strategy

Cause marketing, or can be known as cause-related marketing is a cooperative effort to mutual benefit to the society and other charitable causes between a for-profit product or business and a non-profit organisation (Grantspace, 2015). Besides, company which applied this marketing strategy is not usually based on a donation programme but from the product or the service that consumers purchase. By applying cause marketing into the business, companies may be received a positive public relation and increase to its’ customer relations.


TOMS shoes company is an excellent example on applying cause marketing into its’ brand. By using the cause marketing, TOMS introduced ‘one for one’ concept model, which the company will donate a pair of shoes for every sale that they made to children in need. This model not only successfully improves the reputation and sales of TOMS shoes but also leaves a positive image of TOMS company to consumers.


Furthermore, although TOMS has success in this ‘one for one’ concept model but TOMS still announce the latest campaign ‘One Day without Shoes’ in order to raise awareness for child in need. This campaign may help the company attract new potential consumers and also keep the consumers by interacting with them through social media. ‘One Day without Shoes’ is a campaign that anyone can donate a pair of shoes for less fortunate without purchasing any product for just simply capture a photo with their bare foot and post it through the social media with a hashtag. It is really exciting to see what activity or campaign idea will be the next for TOMS shoes company with the use of cause marketing.


Written by: K. Jing Yee (u1675912)


Reference Lists

Storytelling Marketing Strategy

Brand storytelling marketing strategy is a strategy that could easily get attention from their audiences and interact with them. By using this strategy, any brand could bring out their own stories which may also indirectly give customers know more about the brand and its’ background. Customers would spend more on a product that they understand instead of a brand that they not familiar with.


An inspiring storytelling could also influence customers’ emotional level through blogs, social media or television. Storytelling marketing strategy could be applied to TOMS brand as it has a lot of stories on their charity background. For instance, TOMS could talk about a charitable trip that the company went to. Storytelling may strongly let audiences leave an unforgettable memories compared only giving out some figure and data about the company itself. In order to make the strongest impact to customers, TOMS could organises storytelling contenonce-upon-a-purpose-how-companies-can-use-stories-to-connect-people-and-purpose_1.jpgt to let customers engage more about the brand activities. TOMS may note down some interesting ideas from contestants which may be applied into its’ marketing plan. Visual storytelling would be more easy to catch audiences eyes ball rather than a word storytelling.


According to, it mentioned that “people don’t buy what you do, they buy how you make them feel and the story you give them to tell”. Therefore, if the customer feels and understands what the message brings out from the video, they will result in an inspires environment which may influence their buying behaviour.


Written by: K. Jing Yee (u1675912)


Reference List

Guerrilla Marketing Strategy

The first impression might be an essential for every brand and product. Therefore, create a memorable moment and experience could be the best advertising for the customer to remember a brand. In this past few years, guerrilla marketing strategy gains a lot of attention on the society, which means it is an effective way and a new trend for a brand to attract the potential customer. Guerrilla marketing strategy is an unconventional way of advertising. It requires the brand with a high imagination of advertising a product (Levinson, 1984).


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It normally shows up in the public area such as shopping malls or metro station to attract the maximum possible number of people. Audiences will also share their experiences with their friends and family or even post in the social media. This provides the company a free and effective advertising, especially through the effect of word of mouth. Besides, it is important for a brand to differentiate from other products by a unique advertisement since there is a lot of similar products in the market (Saucet & Cova, 2015). In order to use guerrilla marketing strategy into TOMS brand, TOMS could apply the idea of one for one into the campaign. For instance, let the consumer or audience have a direct interaction with the people who need help. This could make the consumer knows how much impact he or she could change a person’s life just purchasing a pair of shoes or an eyewear product.

Eg. Advertisement from UNICEF

Most of the consumer’s purchasing decision would influence by similar advertising. A successful guerrilla marketing will deliver the advertisement’s message clearly and easy to remember by the audience, which may lead the company with a good reputation.


Written by: K. Jing Yee (u1675912)


Reference List

  • Saucet, M., & Cova, B. (2015). The secret lives of unconventional campaigns: Street marketing on the fringe. Journal of Marketing Communications21(1), 65-77. doi: 10.1080/13527266.2014.970820

Social Media Marketing Strategy

social-media-marketing1Social media is a powerful tool for every brand and company to target a range of potential global audience. The publicity of the social media can be considered as the quickest way to promote a product, a service or even a brand. According to Taylor (2016), social media still has the potential to expand its’ sales by more than 50 percent over the year.

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